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Friday, 5 August 2011

Seat Belt Safety Tips

Having good driving skills is not enough to protect you from any possible harm on the road. A very efficient and simple driving technique to be safe when driving is wearing a seat belt at all times. Nevertheless, the seat belt safety method is one of the simplest means of protecting the driver as well as the passengers. In fact, it was proven that wearing seat belts really helps in saving lives.

Therefore, the drivers, regardless of their age should make efforts about knowing everything that they can about seat belt safety. Moreover, studies reveal that passengers have more or less 40% likelihood of surviving a vehicular accident if they have their seat belts on. On the other hand, in some cases of severe accident, survival may not be possible even with the protection of the seat belts.

No Seat Belt, No Excuse

But in most common accidents, the use of simple but well buckled seat belts significantly reduced the number of injuries. Roughly speaking, 20 % of the total road accident victims every year have resulted from not wearing a seat belt. Other people suffer permanent and grave disabilities in mishaps where seat belt safety was not put into practiced.
Many safety devices for automobiles were further enhanced since the creation of the passenger motor vehicles. Despite of that, none of the devices has created a big impact like the seat belt. Seat belt safety is perhaps the most efficient way to protect the passengers when a crash or collision happens.